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Beauty Pageant News, Articles, and Advice

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15 Famous People You Didn't Know Were Pageant Girls

We all know the poster children for post-pageantry success: Oprah Winfrey, Gretchen Carlson and Halle Berry, but there are a vast number of women in Hollywood who got their start in pageantry. Pageantry is an excellent training ground for the enterta...

26, April 2021

How to Become a Model (And Get Your First Job)

In this article, you are going to learn how to become a model and how you can get booked for your very first job. Being overwhelmed with how to get started is the biggest obstacle we have seen for girls and guys launching a career. This article is go...

23, April 2021

Best Personal Trainers in Pageantry: 2021 Edition

As you many already know, getting ready for a pageant can take a whole village. From hair to makeup to gowns to interview prep, you need all the help you can get to capture that crown. One of the often disliked parts of getting pageant ready is going...

21, January 2021

15 Pageant Contestant and Titleholder Gift Ideas

So you’ve created a pageant budget and up until this point you’ve been doing an awesome job about sticking to it!  What you probably didn’t remember to budget into your pageant funds are contestant gifts and a gift for the outg...

27, October 2020

Best Emcees in Pageantry: 2020 Edition

Emcees play a special role in every pageant. They set the mood of the night for the audience. A great emcee is able to engage the crowd, has impeccable public speaking skills and has a unique ability to make each contestants' onstage moment speci...

03, February 2020

Best Pageant Products (2020 Edition)

We all have our very favorite products. You know, the ones who can't live without, much less compete without. From hairspray to garment bags, we wouldn't be able to be our best on stage without quality products. To help you choose which produ...

22, January 2020

Pageant Swimsuit: FAQs and Answers

Ah, yes. The pageant swimwear portion of competition, a classic. While some competitors love it and some hate it, there's no denying it has its place in the pageant industry. Whether you're looking to buy pageant swimwear for your upcoming co...

11, November 2019

Everything You Need to Know About Pageant Headshots

Pageant headshots... your chance to show the judges your best side before you walk into competition. With so much pressure on just one photograph, how do you create the perfect pageant headshot? How should you wear your hair for a pageant headshots p...

10, December 2018

A Queen's Guide to Pageant Makeup

Your pageant makeup can either complete a look or make a mess out of your flawless look. How do you make sure your pageant makeup is as perfect as the rest of your outfit? How do you select the right foundation or false eyelashes for you? Pageant Pla...

19, November 2018

The ULTIMATE Guide to Pageant Hair

Pageant hair is one of those things that can make or break your image. You placed First runner-up in your last pageant and feel that you couldn't have done any better. You finally get your judges' comments and see "pageant hair fell in h...

29, October 2018

What to Wear For Fun Fashion

Did your fun fashion outfit stand out from the rest? Fun fashion is the phase of the competition where you can show off your personality, fashion sense, uniqueness and modeling skills. Since you are a one-of-a-kind contestant, it's important that...

28, April 2018

How to Become a Pageant Director

Pageant directors are some of the most passionate pageant enthusiasts in the industry. They are not only knowledgeable of their system and pageantry as a whole, but they are also organized, outgoing people who can get a job done. Directors don't ...

07, April 2018

How to Start Your Own Pageant

Making the decision to start your own pageant can mark a monumental change in your life. The transition from a competitor, or even a pageant fan, to a pageant director, is a big leap. There is a lot of work that must go on behind the scenes in order ...

07, April 2018

Etiquette Rules That Every Pageant Judge Must Know

Judging a pageant is no easy task. You are presented with a number of contestants who you see for a total of fewer than 30 minutes each and expected to choose who will be a role model and leader within the surrounding community for the next year. In ...

17, March 2018

Top 10 Best Pageants for Moms to Compete in

Mothers are the real life Wonder Women. They are some of the busiest humans on the planet. They always put their families first and sometimes, in consequence, end up neglecting their own dreams and goals. Luckily, pageantry offers a wide range of com...

03, March 2018

Best Pageant Talents of All Time: 2018 Edition

Every year Pageant Planet compiles a list of the best pageant talents from the previous year based on our Best in Pageantry Awards. Spending hours on your pageant talent to make it just right shouldn’t go unnoticed! If you're a pageant tale...

16, February 2018

How to Find Beauty Pageants to Compete in

For those who are new to the pageant world, finding information on the first initial steps can be a difficult process. Pageant preparation is, of course, an ongoing process of discovery. But finding a pageant is a hard step as well. This article...

04, February 2018

Best Pageant Interview Questions (and Answers) of 2017

During the interview portion of a pageant, judges have the opportunity to truly get to know who a contestant is. Whether it is a panel or one-on-one interview, judges can learn about a contestant's character, opinions and knowledge of current eve...

02, February 2018

Best Evening Gowns in Pageantry: 2017 Edition

If you're a first time pageant contestant, sometimes it makes sense to just buy from a pageant contesant who no longer needs the gown you're eyeing. But if you're in this for the long haul, there's many benefits to investing in your o...

01, January 2018

How to Clean Your Pageant Sash

Most pageant girls will tell you that one of the most difficult pageant items to keep clean is their sash. Since most sashes are white, wearing them out to appearances provides a ton of opportunities for them to get a bit dirty. People, especially ch...

10, December 2017

Top 10 Tips to Succeed at National American Miss

National American Miss isn't your usual beauty pageant. It isn't actually a beauty pageant at all. The pageant doesn't focus on physical beauty but instead focuses on molding young girls into confident and poised young ladies. If you are ...

18, November 2017

4 Questions You Will Be Asked During a Miss America Interview

Interview is your first and only one-on-one interaction with the judges. A strong interview is essential to winning any title. However, a Miss America interview, whether it be at the local, state or national level, is one of the most challenging. Aft...

06, October 2017

How to Prepare for a Local Miss America Pageant

Arguably the first American beauty pageant, Miss America has been making small town girls' dreams come true for decades. How do you get started on your journey to becoming the next Miss America? Well, every Miss America started out the same way. ...

01, September 2017

3 Qualities You Need to Win a Pageant

Pageant can have anywhere from two to over 200 girls all competing for one title. With so many girls, how can you make sure to stand out against from the crowd? When you are competing with so many girls in your division, what makes one contestant mor...

27, August 2017