Modern American Miss™ (“MAM”) was established in 2017 and designed to be a disruptive system in the pageantry industry. The founder had the innovative vision to focus on the holistic experience a system can bring to those involved in every aspect of pageantry, both on stage and off. MAM serves to provide charismatic and well-rounded young girls and women with a platform to grow in character and confidence and a personalized, diverse and competitive experience tailored to honing in on their individual, unique strengths. Respect for the long-honored traditions of the industry complemented by an ever-evolving, always timely fusion of modern American cultural trends sets MAM apart as the new, premiere system on the state and national levels of pageantry.
Rules of Modern American Miss Pageant
Are you allowed to be married?
Are you allowed to have kids?
Who is allowed to compete?
What are the phases of competition?
Interview, Evening Gown, Swimsuit/Fitness, Fun Fashion, Photogenic, Activewear