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  • Compete for the Title of DMV North America Beauty and USI Pageants

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DMV North America Beauty and USI Pageants

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About DMV North America Beauty and USI Pageants

This Maryland based pageant company was established in March of 2022. We will kick off our first two pageants January 2023 entitled Little Miss Candy Land and Maryland Preliminary Miss North America Beauty Pageant. The Little Miss Candy Land Pageant is open to little ladies ages 4-11 in any state of the U.S. and the Maryland Preliminary pageant is open to ladies residing in the state of Maryland ages 12-19.

The Little Miss Candy Land Pageant will crown one queen in each age division, 1 overall Mini Grand Supreme, 1 overall Grand Supreme, and 1 overall Ultimate Grand Supreme. While the queens will receive a crown and trophy, the overall titles will receive a crown, trophy, teddy bear, and cash. The Ultimate Grand Supreme will also receive 4 tickets to Hershey's Chocolate World in Hershey, PA.

The Maryland Preliminary pageant winners (Jr. Miss ages 12 - 14 and Miss Teen 15 -19) will receive a crown, crown box, trophy, Michael Kors bag with shades, and will receive a paid entry to represent the state of Maryland in Orlando, FL.


  • Compete for the Title of Discontinued - Maryland USI Pageant 2024


Rules of DMV North America Beauty and USI Pageants

  • Are you allowed to be married?

    Both. We allow both married and non-married contestants.

  • Are you allowed to have kids?

    Both. We allow both contestants with and without children to compete.

  • Who is allowed to compete?


  • What are the phases of competition?

    Photogenic, Fun Fashion, Evening Gown, Onstage Question, Interview, Beauty With a Purpose


Staff of DMV North America Beauty and USI Pageants

  • staff member

    Eiesha Williamson

    Volunteer Stage Manager, 2024 - Present

    2014 Mrs. Georgia America at Mrs. Georgia America Pageant, CEO & Founder at MADE Explosion Cheer/Dance/Step Competitions and Judge at Inspire National Dance Competition Owner/Event Planner/Photographer/Videographer at Micah-Lynn Productions

  • staff member

    Caprice Miller

    Pageant Director, 2023 - Present

    Caprice D. Miller is also Co-owner of A&M Pageants LLC based in Clinton, Maryland and Caprice is also the state director of the DC-Maryland-Virginia North America and USI Beauty Pageant.