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USA Elite Miss Pageant

location_icon.svgSouth Carolina, USA

crown_bullet_2x-icon.svg51 review

About USA Elite Miss Pageant

Welcome to USA Elite Miss! USA Elite Miss is a family owned pageant system
with emphasis on community service, the promotion of positive women’s
platforms and integrity. It is our goal to host a pageant that is not only fun and
exciting for all the participants, but to direct it in the utmost professional manner.
USA Elite Miss will offer you the opportunity to advance your personal,
professional and lifetime goals. We guarantee you will make friends and gain
positive experiences that you will carry with you for a lifetime.

We at the USA Elite Miss Pageant want to thank you for your interest!
We can’t wait to see you on that USA Elite Miss stage!


Age Groups :

Baby Miss 0-3
Tiny Miss 4-6
Little Miss 7-9
PreTeen Miss 10-12
Junior Teen 13-15
Teen Miss 16-19
Miss 20-30
Ms. 31+ (Married, Single, or Divorced)
Mrs. - Married Any Age
Classic Woman - 20+ (Full Figured)
Elite 45+

Required Competitions:

Interview- (Ages 7 and up)
Interview will be judged by a panel of three judges. Each contestant will be given 3 minutes with the panel of judges. Many of the questions you will be asked will come from your application. Interview attire can be a Sunday best or business attire. Baby Miss and Tiny Miss contestants will not compete in the interview.

Fun Fashion -
Fun Fashion Wear portion of the competition is designed to provide each contestant an opportunity to express her own personal sense of style, Fun Fashion Wear should consist of something that you would wear on the red carpet or to a dressy celebration like a New Year's Eve party. Also should be FUN! Think of glitz, glam and dressy; but not casual or sportswear.

Beauty (Evening Wear) -
This is your time to shine! Judges will be looking for overall first impression, stage presence, personality and poise, and the overall fit and age appropriateness of the dress. Contestants should showcase their evening wear walk with a sense of confidence and style. Judges will be looking for ladies who take to the stage and own it. Baby Miss to Tiny Miss may wear short dresses. Little Miss to Elite Miss should wear long dresses.

Optional Competition :
More opportunities for contestants to go home with recognition and more stage time! Categories include: Photogenic, USA Wear, Casual Wear, Fitness Wear, Talent, National Sweetheart, and Supermodel.

Enter a headshot of your choice to be judged by a panel of judges. High resolution digital
images will only be accepted. You will need to email your headshot into the national
office with your subject line reading: Name, Age Division, Photogenic. Maximum number
of entries allowed per contestant is 3.

We want to see you rock the stage in an outfit of choice that represents our great
country, The United States of America! Let your imagination lead you and show your

We want to see your everyday style! Choose an outfit that represents your own personal
sense of style. Don’t forget to accessorize!

The Fitness phase of competition is where each contestant showcases her commitment to health and fitness initiatives. The goal for fitness is to show the judges that you are strong, healthy and full of life!

We will pick a top five from all age groups . Talent is limited to two minutes.

USA Elite Miss National Sweetheart:
Be crowned a USA Elite Miss National Sweetheart and win a beautiful prize package by
selling the most ad pages for the program book. Ad pages are $100 per page. You may
divide the pages up to sell to friends, family, and businesses. Only full pages will be

This competition is open to any contestant. We will have a photographer available to shoot every contestant that enters. You will receive your gallery as well as one edited image after the pageant. The judges score your best supermodel image from the shoot.

Rules of USA Elite Miss Pageant

  • Are you allowed to be married?

    Both. We allow both married and non-married contestants.

  • Are you allowed to have kids?

    Both. We allow both contestants with and without children to compete.

  • Who is allowed to compete?


  • What are the phases of competition?

    Optional Photogenic, Optional Casual Wear, Interview, Fun Fashion, Beauty, Optional Talent, Optional Patriotic Wear, Optional Activewear


Staff of USA Elite Miss Pageant

  • staff member

    Randall Dukes

    Director, 2020 - Present

    I have been involved with pageants for over 30 years and it has always been my dream of owning my on national pageant. I want to make the pageant the best it can be!