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Sun Bowl Pageants

location_icon.svgEl Paso, TX, USA

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About Sun Bowl Pageants

The Sun Bowl, which takes place in El Paso, TX (and this year featured snow), still crowns a queen and court and has since 1936. Coronation of the new Sun Queen is an integral part to the festivities surrounding the Sun Bowl and the week-long "Sun Carnival".

The Sun Bowl website describes the festivities of the 1938 Sun Bowl. "The social side of the Sun Carnival centers around the Coronation of the Sun Queen with ladies-in-waiting and her royal court of princesses from all the cities of the Sun Empire and the Grand Ball tendered by the Association in honor of her majesty and court."

In the past, up to 30 young women were part of the formal court with each representing an organization.

Today, the court consists of five to nine or more (this year 12) young women from Texas colleges and universities, who are selected based on "poise, appearance, personality, communication and interpersonal skills, and the ability to demonstrate knowledge of El Paso. Contestants must be enrolled as full-time students," according to the website.

The Sun Court serves as ambassadors for the city of El Paso. They volunteer and make appearances at various community events throughout the year.

This year's Hyundai Sun Bowl took place on December 26th, 2015 with Washington State beating the University of Miami 20-14.

Featured in images:
The 2015 Sun Queen Cassidy Daw, (senior at Baylor). 2015 Sun Bowl Lady-in-Waiting Cindy Van (junior at UTEP). 2015 Sun Princesses are Brianna Michelle Carmen (junior at UTEP), Katherine Elizabeth Carroll (senior at Texas Tech), Leasette Conway (senior at UTEP), Hayley Daw (sophomore at Baylor), Brenda Diaz (senior at UTEP), Sara Elia Flores (senior at St. Mary’s), Clarissa Gardea (junior at UTEP), Kendra Melendrez (sophomore at Texas) and Victoria Antionette Murillo (sophomore at Texas). Photo Courtesy of sunbowl.org

Rules of Sun Bowl Pageants

  • Are you allowed to be married?


  • Are you allowed to have kids?


  • Who is allowed to compete?


  • What are the phases of competition?

