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Ms Black Senior Fit and Fine Beauty Pageants

location_icon.svgRedford, MI 48240, United States date_medium_icon.svg Coming soon on July 2026

crown_bullet_2x-icon.svg00 reviews

About Ms Black Senior Fit and Fine Beauty Pageants

The Ms. Black Fit and Fine Beauty Pageant believes and advocates that quality of life has a great deal to
do with your life choices. Good healthy life choices help result in a better inner and outer person as we age.

More than a "beauty pageant" The Ms. Black Fit and Fine Beauty Pageant is a reaffirmation of life over 50 and a journey to a better quality of life.

The Ms. Black Fit and Fine Beauty Pageant seeks African American women with "dignity, maturity. inner beauty, and physical fitness" who are age 50 and over. We want to encourage women to become or stay physically fit and socially active even as seniors.

We feel a desire and a need to encourage inspire and educate African American mature adults and especially women that feel they are no longer valued in today’s society.
The Pageant honors the achievements of African American women by giving them an opportunity to display their inner beauty, physical fitness, talents, and elegance It is designed to motivate and encourages women to utilize their full potential to share a positive outlook on life and aging with others.


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Rules of Ms Black Senior Fit and Fine Beauty Pageants

  • Are you allowed to be married?

    Both. We allow both married and non-married contestants.

  • Are you allowed to have kids?

    Both. We allow both contestants with and without children to compete.

  • Who is allowed to compete?


  • What are the phases of competition?

    Interview, Evening Gown, Talent, Activewear
