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Miss Singapore International

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About Miss Singapore International

Singapore Women’s Association (SWA) has been organising beauty pageants since 1975 and is the first organisation to raise funds for the needy. The funds raised have benefited many underprivileged children, old folks and the community.

Beauty is an asset endowed by nature. But beauty is more than just the outward physical attributes of face, form and demeanour. True beauty lies in the inner self - concern, care and love for one's fellow men and women.These are the commendable virtues that the Singapore Women's Association attempts to instill in our young girls by encouraging them to take part in beauty contests organised specially for the purpose of charity.

(1) To raise funds for a worthy cause
(2) To encourage girls endowed with beauty to make use of this gift and any talents they may have for a worthy cause.
(3) To train the younger generation to be civic conscious and to instill in them a sense of civic responsibility and a desire to render service to the less fortunate.
(4) To give as many young girls as possible a chance to enrich their personality and knowledge; improve their appearance, poise and posture, and especially to further improve their human relations.
(5) To give the girls a chance to meet and live with people of other countries to promote goodwill, friendship, respect and tourism for Singapore.

All nett proceeds from the beauty contests held by the Singapore Women's Association have been donated to charity.

Charitable Organisations who have benefited from funds raised through this beauty pageant.
(1) Children’s Charities
(2) Handicaps Welfare Association
(3) National Safety Council
(4) Singapore Association for Retarded Children
(5) Moral Home for Disabled
(6) Singapore Women’s Association

Rules of Miss Singapore International

  • Are you allowed to be married?


  • Are you allowed to have kids?


  • Who is allowed to compete?


  • What are the phases of competition?
