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Miss Pride of Africa UK

location_icon.svgLondon, UK date_medium_icon.svg Dec 2, 2026

About Miss Pride of Africa UK

Miss Pride of Africa UK beauty pageant was initiated to integrate Africans in the United Kingdom, promote their diverse cultural heritage and also to project the positive image of African women and their culture to the world.

Miss Pride of Africa UK pageant which is the biggest and most admirable beauty pageant in the United Kingdom is designed to empower African women in Diaspora and promote their unity as people of the same continent.

Rich cultural heritage of nations in Africa is exposed to the world during Miss Pride of Africa beauty pageant. This beauty pageant provides an opportunity for culture transfer among nations and exchange of contacts among persons, that is to say, that it promotes unity and better relations among Africans in the United Kingdom.

During this unique contest, issues affecting Africa such as drug abuse, diseases, child abuse, genital mutilation and other social issues are addressed through questions that are usually asked to the contestants as part of the requirements for winning the contest.

Organisers of Miss Pride of Africa UK are usually selected from various countries in Africa. Winner of this contest is expected to establish something that will empower African women.

MISSION: Miss Pride of Africa UK is designed to promote unity among Africans in the United Kingdom and also to project their good image and cultural heritage to the world at large.


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Rules of Miss Pride of Africa UK

  • Are you allowed to be married?


  • Are you allowed to have kids?


  • Who is allowed to compete?


  • What are the phases of competition?

    Theme Wear, Talent, Swimsuit/Fitness, Photogenic, Evening Gown
