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Miss Pig Jig

date_medium_icon.svg Aug 24, 2026

About Miss Pig Jig

THIS IS A NATURAL PAGEANT! NO make up, hair pieces spray tans, and flippers will be permitted for Baby to Petite. Make up should only be used for the Junior, Teen, and Miss division and it should be age appropriate. Points will be deducted if these rules are not followed. Pageant dresses are encouraged for all division. All contestants will compete in beauty. The Junior, Teen, and Miss divisions will compete in a private interview with the judges. During this time the judges will have the opportunity to meet the contestants. The interview will NOT just be bio questions. It will contain current events, general, etc. The interviews will be held the day of the pageant, a time and place will be given asap! We want a queen that is well rounded and versatile. If any queens get into any trouble throughout their reign that reflects negatively upon their title they will be asked to step down and the first runner up will replace their position. Bad behavior and poor sportsmanship will NOT be tolerated and will allow for immediate dismal with no refund from the pageant. We are here to assist anyone with questions or concerns! You must provide a wallet size photo for the program book.


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Rules of Miss Pig Jig

  • Are you allowed to be married?


  • Are you allowed to have kids?


  • Who is allowed to compete?


  • What are the phases of competition?
