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Singapolitan Worldwide Beauty Pageant

location_icon.svgWoodlands Close, Primz Bizhub, Singapore 737854

crown_bullet_2x-icon.svg00 reviews

About Singapolitan Worldwide Beauty Pageant

Create the Highest Grandest Vision Possible for your Life, Because You Become What you Believe.
Imagine a pageant that seeks out and nurtures a Beauty Queen, who has a flowing flair in cross-cultural exchange and the ability to inspire with her rich knowledge of the local people, matters and habitats. On top of all that. she is able to step up, interact and influence with an impeccable ease across international communities. She demonstrates her ability to hold a power to create an impact for positive change. Such is the SINGAPOLITAN - a much-sought-after title of a "metropolitan" origin. Founded in Singapore by Ms Vanithadevi of Style Etiquette Pte Ltd The Mission for SINGAPOLITAN WORLDWIDE will be to foster cultural exchange awareness, through life-altering and meaningful initiatives carried out by the pageant finalists. We will begin with a *Bang* in 2019 with the 'Breast Cancer Awareness' initiative - a prestigious Pink Ribbon program that inspires and unites people globally

Rules of Singapolitan Worldwide Beauty Pageant

  • Are you allowed to be married?

    Both. We allow both married and non-married contestants.

  • Are you allowed to have kids?

    Both. We allow both contestants with and without children to compete.

  • Who is allowed to compete?


  • What are the phases of competition?

    Talent, Optional Resume, Photogenic, Personal Introduction, Onstage Question, Interview, Evening Gown, Activewear
