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Miss Moorhead Outstanding Teen

location_icon.svgMinnesota, USA

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About Miss Moorhead Outstanding Teen

The Miss Moorhead Outstanding Teen Pageant has been organized to encourage positive achievement by helping to nurture and build the scholastic achievement, creative accomplishment, healthy living and community involvement of our nation’s youth. This competition is intended to encourage and reward the talent, communication skills, community service, and academic achievement of girls between
13 and 17 years of age.

Miss Moorhead’s Outstanding Teen may be called upon to appear at a variety of functions throughout the community of Moorhead, where she will be asked to speak, possibly perform her talent, and interact with people of all ages. At all of these appearances, she must be gracious, well spoken, attractive and well groomed in an age-appropriate way, approachable and friendly in order to meet the public’s expectation of a titleholder. She must also set an example of someone who has passion and initiative regarding her personal platform, as well as knowledge about the Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals, and she should be able to speak with authority and enthusiasm for both.

Miss Moorhead’s Outstanding Teen must also conscientiously prepare to compete for the State title of Miss Minnesota’s Outstanding Teen in 2018. She should consider her preparation her duty to represent all the young women in her state to the absolute best of her ability. She must make the time in her busy life to hone her skills in Interview, Talent, and Evening Wear presentations, as well as keep up a healthy lifestyle and fitness program. She should be sure her State paperwork is thoroughly and correctly completed, and submitted on time. She must be able to undertake all of these responsibilities while she continues to maintain her scholastic and extra-curricular achievements, and, of course, make time for enjoying her family and friends.

A Miss Moorhead’s Outstanding Teen’s Year of Service should be an exciting, busy, and important year in her life. She is an exceptional, charismatic young woman who leaves an inspiring and enduring impression on everyone she meets.

Rules of Miss Moorhead Outstanding Teen

  • Are you allowed to be married?


  • Are you allowed to have kids?


  • Who is allowed to compete?


  • What are the phases of competition?

    Talent, Onstage Question, Interview, Evening Gown
