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Miss Jackson Scholarship Competition

location_icon.svgJackson, Missouri, USA date_medium_icon.svg Coming soon on July 2026

About Miss Jackson Scholarship Competition

Miss Jackson and Miss Jackson's Outstanding Teen Scholarship Programs is an official preliminary to Miss Missouri and Miss Missouri's Outstanding Teen!

Are you ...
A 17-25 year old female who lives, works, or attends school in the state of Missouri?
Interested in earning college scholarships?
Looking for ways to become involved in your community?
Passionate about sharing your talents and opinions?
Ready to become the next Miss Missouri?
Phases of the Competition

Miss Missouri Pageant is a preliminary pageant to the Miss America Program.

The Miss America Organization is one of the world's largest scholarship providers to young women.


A young woman must be between the ages of 17 – 25 and a high school graduate by the time of the state competition.

She must be a resident of the State of Missouri, be employed full time in Missouri or be a full time college student in the state (a minimum 12-hour class load).

If she has moved to Missouri from another state, she must be a resident of Missouri for a minimum of 30 days, or be enrolled at a college or university in the state of Missouri before the local competition. Or if working in the State of Missouri , she must have had sixty (60) days of continuous full-time employment


She must enter a local competition. Our local competitions are listed on our website, www.missmissouri.org An Open competition means she may be from anywhere in the state to enter as long as she m.eets the eligibility requirements listed above. A Closed competition has certain criteria for participation. The individual local competition will explain the specific criteria.

Children's Miracle Network is the national platform of the Miss America Organization and because of that each candidate must raise at least $100.00 for CMN per local competition entered. However, once $400.00 is raised she may enter as many locals as she would like. Go to www.missamerica4kids.org to register.

The winners of our local competitions participate in the state finals in June.

Each candidate is to have a "Social Impact Statement”. This is an organization and/or cause she supports through service. CMN may be the Social Impact Statement or it can be another cause.

The candidate must submit the proper paperwork for participation in the local.


All candidates compete in the following areas and are judged by a panel of 5 – 7 impartial judges:

Interview – each candidate will be privately interviewed by the judges.
Talent – each candidate will present a 90 second talent on stage.
Eveningwear/ Social Impact Statement – each candidate will be judged in evening wear for poise and presence as well as her ability to express her Social Impact Statement to the audience and judges.
On Stage Interview Question – each candidate will answer one question on stage before the audience that was written by one of the judges as a continuation of her private interview.

The winners of the local competitions will be the Miss Missouri Candidates for the next state competition. From them, one young woman will be crowned Miss Missouri.

Miss Local is expected to follow the regulations set by the local competition board. This could include making appearances in the local community; preparing for the Miss Missouri Competition; realizing that there will be extra expenses related to preparation for which she will be responsible; being a role model to others, and always honoring the crown in her behaviors.

She will continue to support Children's Miracle Network by raising at least $250.00 for state competition.

She will be expected to meet deadlines established by the Miss Missouri Organization for paperwork and will attend Winter Workshop in March and Candidate Orientation which is typically on a Saturday in April.

She will attend the Miss Missouri Pageant.

This is an exciting opportunity – one in which over 12,000 young women participate nationwide each year. While we can't promise you that you will win, we can promise you that you will meet some wonderful people, will grow as an individual, and will have a good time


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Rules of Miss Jackson Scholarship Competition

  • Are you allowed to be married?


  • Are you allowed to have kids?


  • Who is allowed to compete?


  • What are the phases of competition?

    Talent, Onstage Question, Interview, Evening Gown
