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Miss Gay Queen of Queens

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About Miss Gay Queen of Queens

Miss Gay Queen of Queens made a splash on the global scene when the first runner up pushed the winner off of the stage in 2018. Here's what happened.

From winning to falling The Miss Gay Queen of Queens transgender beauty pageant became significantly more dramatic than anyone could have predicted when a jealous first runner-up pushed the newly crowned queen off the stage during the final show. First runner-up Cristian Carrillo, known as "Lady," threw a fit when the final results were announced.

A pageant staff member walked across the stage to present Lady with her runner-up sash, which she threw on the ground in protest of her loss. Lady then charged across the stage and pushed the winner, Kenia, in the back, resulting in her flying from the pageant stage. Lady then rushed off stage while members of the crowd went to help Kenia, who had just suffered the fall. The winner suffered minor injuries from the incident.

The whole incident had been caught on film and posted online. Since its posting, the video has received millions of views and many people are still talking about the appalling behavior. Lady, under her legal name, took to Facebook to apologize to Kenia for her actions.

"I publicly apologize to Kenia for having done it and I congratulate her on being crowned #Queen_of_Queens 2018," Carrillo posted.

Rules of Miss Gay Queen of Queens

  • Are you allowed to be married?

    Both. We allow both married and non-married contestants.

  • Are you allowed to have kids?

    Both. We allow both contestants with and without children to compete.

  • Who is allowed to compete?


  • What are the phases of competition?

    Interview, Evening Gown
