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Miss British Beauty Curve

location_icon.svgGreat Britain

crown_bullet_2x-icon.svg00 reviews

About Miss British Beauty Curve

We hope to encourage young ladies and women of different shapes and sizes and from all walks of life to take part, to show the world how amazingly diverse Great Britain really is.
We are a plus size beauty pageant that encourages women who are a UK Dress size 14 and over to ENTER NOW!

We believe this pageant will give all women the confidence to pursue their dreams and conquer their fears.

To be eligible to compete for the British Beauty Curve titles, finalists must meet at least one of the following criteria

Born in Great Britain
Current or legal residency in the country
Current legal employment in the country

Former winners of Miss & Ms British Beauty Curve are not eligible to compete in the same division but may re-enter once their status changes such that they become eligible for a different division.

Finalists must not be pregnant on the day of the pageant.

Bonus Points
Contestants can earn bonus points by making appearances throughout their reign as state, regional or national titleholders. Each approved appearance will be eligible to be awarded points. All bonus points, to a maximum of 10, are awarded at the discretion of the Miss British Beauty Curve Director. The director’s decision is final and will not enter into debate or discussion with regards to the awarding of bonus points.

Official Language
English is the official language of the Miss British Beauty Curve pageant. It is a requirement for delegates to speak English.

Entrant must be a naturally born genetic female.

Rules of Miss British Beauty Curve

  • Are you allowed to be married?

    Both. We allow both married and non-married contestants.

  • Are you allowed to have kids?

    Both. We allow both contestants with and without children to compete.

  • Who is allowed to compete?


  • What are the phases of competition?

    Interview, Evening Gown, Fun Fashion, Personal Introduction
