This pageant was a disaster. The directors were not present for any of the practices, there were several times when the parents and delegates arrived at the practice location only to find out that no one was there and had to go home. The pageant was postponed three times (twice without reason or cause), both directors were rude and argumentative towards parents during the pageant process when pageants asked questions or voiced concerns. The pageant was initially supposed to happen August 31st, 2 Show more
This pageant was a disaster. The directors were not present for any of the practices, there were several times when the parents and delegates arrived at the practice location only to find out that no one was there and had to go home. The pageant was postponed three times (twice without reason or cause), both directors were rude and argumentative towards parents during the pageant process when pageants asked questions or voiced concerns. The pageant was initially supposed to happen August 31st, 2018 but was postponed until September 21st due to a family emergency from one of the directors. The pageant was not postponed until the 29th of August. When the delegates received their revised practice schedule for practices between August 31st and September 21st (which they didn’t receive until the 10th of September and only after several parents had to ask the directors for one) it was stated that the pageant had once again been rescheduled from September 21st to October 6th. There were to be 4 practices scheduled for sept 15th, 17th, 29th and then pageant run through the evening before the pageant (October 5th). The practice for the 15th neither director showed up and the delegates were locked out of the practice location and after waiting over a hour went home. One director postponed the practice scheduled for the 17th because she couldn’t make it (the other director didn’t bother showing up anyway and gave no reason other then she was busy and had her own things going on). The delegates finally had a practice on the 19th of September where the one director who did show up was very argumentative with the parents and said that they had to move the date of the pageant again and that they would leave it up to the parents to decide between two dates September 29th and October 20th. Since the pageant had been postponed so many times and the delegates were all back In school at the time the parents voted for the 29th of September to have it done with. Fast forward to pageant day. Both directors were present for pageant run through that morning but spent most of the first half of pageant run through playing on their phones and ignoring the delegates and parents. They then informed the parents that they would not be having people for hair and make up present as they had said all along that they were which left at least one delegates parents searching for someone to do their daughters hair and make up the day of the pageant. The directors also informed the parents that there would only be 3 titles given out instead of the original 4 (there were only 4 delegates which meant 1 girl was going to be left out). At the end of pageant run through the directors told parents and delegates to be back at the location by 6pm that evening to get ready as the pageant started at 7pm. Upon arriving back at 6pm the gym in which the pageant was being held was not decorated at all and both directors were nowhere to be found. My daughter, the oldest of the 4 delegates (she is 13) wanted to ask the directors what she and the other delegates should be doing and she was directed upstairs to where she was told the directors were. When my daughter returned she said she had found the directors in a room upstairs but that they had been fighting and swearing and one director told the other one that she couldn’t do this sh!t herself. I sent my daughter to the changing room to get ready. About 10 minutes later it was brought to the attention of the parents that one of the directors had taken off and had left with all of the decorations for the pageant and that all of the music the girls needed for their talents had been deleted off of the lap top that was to be used. This was at 6:30pm and the pageant was to begin at 7pm. The parents and public had to come together to make make shift decorations and put them up. The only girl who had a sash was the crowned titleholder. The other girls still have not received sashes. It was also around this time that we discovered that the directors had waited until last minute to find judges and had not followed proper procedure and that the judges picked were well known to all of the delegates. The judges were very rude and unprofessional laughing and making jokes through the entire pageant. The day after the pageant my husband and I spoke to a committee member who was supposed to have aided in the pageant process to find out why it was so badly handled and why the judges were known to the delegates as it led to very unfair judging. It was about 10 minutes later when I received a very rude message from one of the directors (the one who had taken off pageant night). The rude messages continued until that afternoon when the director blocked me from further communication. Neither director has ever explained why the judges were picked, or taken any responsibility in how badly the entire pageant process was handled.
It was also brought to my attention by a friend of mine who happens to be the grandmother of the young lady who was crowned at the pageant that the crown her granddaughter had received from the previous titleholder the evening of the pageant she (the new titleholder who happens to be only 9 years old) was made by both directors to return the crown to the previous titleholder. The pageant was September 29th and it is now October 17th and the new titleholder still has no crown for her events and none of the other title holders have received sashes.
I would NOT recommend this pageant to anyone. It is very badly managed, the directors are very rude and irresponsible and refuse to admit when they’re wrong and refuse to take responsibility for their actions. Do not waste your time or your daughters time on this pageant.Show less