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America's U.S. Miss Scholarship

location_icon.svgSt. Louis, MO, USA

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About America's U.S. Miss Scholarship

America's U.S. Miss scholarship program is judged on academic achievement, volunteer service, resume, personality wear, evening gown and a personal interview.

Emphasis is placed on the importance of
Gaining self- confidence
Learning new skills
Setting and achieving personal goals
America's U.S. Miss seeks to recognize the accomplishments of each national finalist, while encouraging her to set goals for the future.

The America's U.S. Miss Scholarship Program is designed to recognize and promote the accomplishments and uniqueness of all-American, outstanding young ladies from across the country. Finalists must excel in the areas of academics, volunteer service, and self-confidence. Our goal is to help young ladies develop poise and self-confidence, while earning thousands of dollars in college scholarships and recognizing their accomplishments.
Each finalist will take home lifelong skills by participating in our program. She will learn how to effectively speak with self-confidence, as well as learn how to dress and conduct herself in a private one-on-one interview with our distinguished panel of judges. Finalists have the opportunity to interact with other outstanding young people from different backgrounds and interests.
All of these skills gained by participating in the America's U.S. Miss Scholarship Program will further assist each finalist in their advancement in academics and to promote life long learning to achieve success in her future career!

The pageant is open to residents of many states between the ages of 5 and 24 plus opportunities for Ms. and Mrs. contestants. You are not required to be a local pageant winner to participate in the competition. Many of our winners have never competed in a pageant! Everyone participating in the excitement and glamour of pageant weekend will receive the training necessary during the rehearsals to showcase their personality to the pageant’s panel of judges.

Rules of America's U.S. Miss Scholarship

  • Are you allowed to be married?


  • Are you allowed to have kids?


  • Who is allowed to compete?


  • What are the phases of competition?

    Interview, Fun Fashion, Evening Gown
