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USA National Miss New England

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Rules of USA National Miss New England

  • Are you allowed to be married?


  • Are you allowed to have kids?


  • Who is allowed to compete?


  • What are the phases of competition?

    Interview, Fun Fashion, Evening Gown


About USA National Miss New England

USA National Miss (UNM) is an award winning national pageant organization that exists to enrich the lives of young women through an unsurpassed pageant experience that leaves them inspired and empowered and helps them gain confidence and life skills to embrace their full leadership potential. Mentoring young women to reach their goals and unleash their full potential, UNM is changing the lives of young women all across America. Awarding a prize package over $100,000.00 per national winner each year, UNM is partnering with Hollins University to make over 2 million dollars in scholarships available to our delegates and winners in 2022. We equip young women with extraordinary experiences that create opportunities for success and growth. We offer one of the highest quality pageant programs in the country, and are consistently recognized as an industry leader. Under the leadership of a four-time award winning national director, Jackie B. Watson, USA National Miss has become one of the largest and most prestigious national pageant systems in the country.

Part girls empowerment and part pageant, we believe we have a responsibility to immerse our delegates with positive messages and encouraging motivation, to empower them to become today's leaders. With that in mind, we have created our own UNM UniverseTM which consists of not only the national pageant, but other national programs that leaves young women empowered, motivated, encouraged, inspired and equipped to reach their full potential.